The Stories of Landscape Art
Simply illustrated by ZaidyMarzuki

My Studio

DSC00826 "Go on working, freely and furiously, and you will make progress." Paul Gauguin. My studio is a small office 8’ x 12’ room. I used to rent together with a friends which i call Boss 1, boss 2, and boss 3.. Boss 1 Rashid, boss 2 Dylan, boss 3 Wak Jo.. I'm surrounded by good profesional entrepreneur which teach me a lot along the way.; Located at suburban area give easy in and out to the city. We share all things together such food, night club (oops), drinks, leisure… but when time to work we indepedent..

I show you my studio..


Ermmm, horible isnt it.. this is it, all thing was packed well, easy reach ha.. a laptop, a glass of nescafe.. all the way busy getting ideas.. submission, drawing, SKETCHING, scanning, printing, quotation, invoices…

Zaidy is not here,.. why?

I’ll show to you the rest of the room, we call this part the landscapian and the civilian office.. Where the Landscape and civil engineering merging a part..


On the left, the office of 2 civilians.. Rashid and Wakjo… They build houses, building, renovations, interior design and lot lot lot of trading….

Im work with them some, otherwise,,,,, no allowance….. pay rent now!!!



Office of 2nd ‘tailo’ tauke Dylan… always an artist impression.. simple look, nice, calm.. see his A3 printer.. i always use them.. free printing.. He always give me tips, projects (a lot), and ‘RM’, with him, easy job easy money..

Dylan not here, but he will be, on 10pm..

Wak Jo, relax, time to relax.. headache, why the payment is so hard on early year..headache, sleep is better ha..

DSC00017This picture taken at 5.30 pm.. WakJo sitting relax watching ‘Cat n Dog’..


Rashid, serious.. serious.


Here, we watch movies… news, cartoons, al kuliyah.. mari bertarannum, and sometimes, spaQ2…

This the part of our life and work, we share all the way, all the laughs, the sad, and the time we had. We did our first trip to Tiara Beach Resort, PD last year.. This year,…. ermmmm, Bali? Bandung?, Cambodia? or, ‘Sunway Lagoon’…o, o,oo.


The space is small but neat..

spa q 2 pun ade tengok.. hehe
best lah studio..

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About Me

Landscapian live, work and play in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Make busy all the day with work and illustrating the landscape and a little bit of G up sound.. View my profile


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Current Project

Ugrading terrace house
double storey, Tmn Midah

Client : Tunas Watan Sdn Bhd

Due : 15th May 2009

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